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Angela Behrens

Doctor's Clinic and Medical Equipment

Across all the industries we serve, our scientific approach to cleaning is never more important than in the cleaning and disinfection of medical facilities. The service we provide in these settings is integral to the safety of patients, staff, and visitors alike. The prevention of infection is always preferable to its treatment, and to do so requires a rigorous protocol of thorough disinfection.

Traditionally, commercial cleaning has primarily involved the reduction of visible dirt, dust and grime through wiping, mopping and vacuuming. Without an understanding of microbiology and a careful consideration of methods and chemical use, this may do little to stop pathogens from settling and multiplying on a surface. For medical centres that see vulnerable and immuno-suppressed patients, the implementation of a science-based regimen of cleaning and disinfection is crucial.




1. Microscopic Cleaning

To successfully target viruses and bacteria, it is important to use broad spectrum medical-grade chemicals when cleaning and sanitising surfaces. These chemicals must be frequently applied to all surfaces throughout, and staff must be trained in their safe handling in accordance with EPA and H&S regulations, and the relevant MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets). To compliment manual cleaning in areas where accessibility is challenging, disinfection can be achieved with an anti-microbial ‘fogging’, dispersing fine particles of disinfectant that penetrate those hard-to-reach spaces.


2. Training

Another vital fundamental of medical facility cleaning is proper training. Cleaning personnel must be educated on the best practices for microbial-level cleaning, and as aforementioned, the proper handling of cleaning chemicals. It is imperative that they have an understanding of the importance of microbe elimination; that way sanitary practices, such as colour coding mops and cloths for different areas of the site and utilising PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), become second nature.  Medical cleaning also presents a need for additional training regarding the proper handling and disposal of biological waste. Medical waste may contain bodily fluids, faecal matter or bloodborne pathogens - to prioritise the wellbeing of the patients, staff and public, as well as their own, cleaners must tend to this waste accordingly.


3. Communication

Collaboration and communication with healthcare professionals are essential to optimising service provision for patient safety. The regular cleaning service should be scheduled with healthcare professionals to minimise patient disruption, while swift response time to ad-hoc cleanliness concerns is vital. Open communication with, and feedback from, medical staff is vital to reduce potential risks for patients.


4. Site Monitoring

The effectiveness of the cleaning and disinfection regimen must be tracked with regular environmental monitoring. Site checks must be conducted often, and detailed audit reports should be accessible to medical staff to identify areas for improvement, and for accountability’s sake. Consistent monitoring and documentation of cleaning activities helps ensure that cleanliness standards are met and maintained, and allow further opportunities for communication with healthcare professionals.

KCC Microbiologist conducting onsite swab testing

To bolster our quality assurance and verify the efficacy of our science-based cleaning, Kiwi Commercial Cleaning can conduct laboratory testing on swabs of key areas in a medical facility. This allows us to not only ensure a reduced risk to patients and staff by tracking a decline of bacteria, viruses and spores, but also identify areas in need of extra attention and disinfection.


5. Continuous Improvement

With these mechanisms in place, an attitude of continuous improvement must be at the forefront of medical facility cleaning. Whether it is an emergency clinic, or an aged care facility, different medical centres present different challenges, challenges that are subject to change with external factors. Service providers must be adaptable, to continually improve infection control procedures and maximise patient wellbeing.


The cleaning of medical facilities is vital to their safe and effective operation and must be undertaken with thoughtful procedure and attention to detail. With a firm foundation in microbiology, Kiwi Commercial Cleaning offers tailored medical facility cleaning solutions, prioritising infection control and patient wellness. Let us take care of you, while you take care of the public – consult our microbiologist or get a quote for the cleaning and care of your medical facility today.

Angela Behrens





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